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#Minsheng Apartment

This time, the owner contacted us through a referral from a friend. Because the house has water leakage, corrosion and depression on the floor, and moldy furniture, the owner wants us to lightly renovate him.

|A limited budget, but also to achieve good value|

This case site has an advantage - it is an elevator building, has administrators, and is close to Zhongshan business district, MRT and medical facilities, etc., and the living functions are quite convenient.

After discussing with the owner, under the very limited budget, we assessed that only the necessary furniture should be replaced, mainly using soft furnishings to present a more comfortable space.

|The furniture is fully updated, and bright colors are selected to make the space full of vigor|

Almost all the bedroom furniture has been replaced this time! The bathrooms are in good condition, but our priority is the safety of our occupants, so we decided to fully update the water heater!
The furniture colors are also selected in brighter and pastel colors. The nearby renters are probably from nearby medical staff; I hope it can bring them a more pink mood when they are busy.

|Large space to create a pattern of one bedroom and one living room|

This room has the most space. The previous tenant auntie has used his furniture to stack the concept of a small cubicle, so we also made a screen to separate the living room, dining table and bedroom; avoid seeing the bed as soon as the door is opened, which is more private and comfort.

After the final filming is completed, it can be seen that the Minsheng Pavilion has successfully presented the style of a Korean coffee shop.







Renovation Videos

The small suite has been transformed into a fresh and simple style, making you rush home every day!

Old-fashioned residence on Xinyi District apartment , transformed into a simple and modern style suite

If you have related needs and questions, please contact us






Working hours:10:30 A.M. ~ 18:30 P.M.


TEL: +886-2-775-15114 (Guests staying within three days can call this reservation line)



LINE ID:@innapartment  (即時客服聯繫窗口)


上班時間:每日 10:00 A.M. ~ 18:00 P.M. (午休時間12:30 – 13:45)



電話: 02-77515114 (三日內入住客人可撥打此訂房專線)

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上班時間:每日 10:30 A.M. ~ 18:30 P.M.

電話: 02-77515114 (三日內入住客人可撥打此訂房專線)


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