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Property management

Can a legal person (company) residence participate in the chartered hosting? Yes. The landlord can participate in the chartered escrow as long as he is the owner of the house, and the owner of the house can be a natural person or a private legal person (for example: a company).
What services does a rental agency generally provide? Inn Apartment has many years of experience in renting and escrow. We will rent out the house for you, screen tenants, and manage the life of the tenants and the house. If any situation arises, Inn Apartment will report to the landlord as soon as possible, respect the landlord's ideas and needs, and provide professional relevant suggestions, so that you can have no worries and effort.
How are hosting fees calculated? The fee is based on 10% of the total rental income received in the actual month as the management fee. If the tenant has signed the lease for more than one year, an additional one-month service fee will be charged (less than one year, half a month will be charged).
How does Inn Apartment screen tenants? Inn Apartment believes that screening tenants is like an interview. During the conversation, the tenant will be asked about the occupational background, the speed of the rental start date, why they moved, etc. Through the detailed communication process, based on our years of practical experience, we can judge whether the tenant is in line with the landlord's requirements. Ideal tenant.
What should I do if I encounter a tenant who is in arrears with rent? We would recommend notarizing the contract before signing it. In the current process of general regulations, in order to seek legal avenues, the tenant must still owe two months of rent after "deducting the deposit" in order to meet the conditions for terminating the contract, which is equivalent to waiting for the tenant to owe four months of rent before the legal process can be carried out. However, if it is notarized before signing the contract to state that "enforcement shall be carried out only after enforcement", a lot of cumbersome time can be reduced.
Looking for a chartered escrow / escrow agency to manage, will my house be subject to tax inspection? Regardless of whether you are looking for an employer for management, Inn Apartment always recommends filing tax returns truthfully.
How to find the right rental management company for you? The landlord can think first, you just want someone to help you find tenants? Or do you also want someone to manage your guests for you? If the former, you can only talk about the rental service, the latter is the rental and escrow. There are many options for property management companies in the market, and Inn Apartment will honestly and professionally advise you according to your needs. If you still have no clue, you can also contact us directly, and a specialist from Inn Apartment will explain our service content for you in detail.
What is the difference between Inn Apartment and personal charter hosting? According to Article 3 of the "Regulations on the Development and Management of the Rental Housing Market", both the charter and escrow industries must operate the rental housing management business in the form of a "company". And Inn Apartment has many years of management experience, has its own workshop maintenance master, and also has relevant legal knowledge when encountering disputes. Choose Inn Apartment, you don't have to work hard when you encounter problems, Yitai has a one-stop service team to provide You handle everything.

Social housing

What is social housing ? In accordance with the provisions of Article 3, paragraph 2 of the Housing Law, social housing shall be set up by the government or rewarded by the private sector, exclusively for rental housing and its necessary ancillary facilities,
There are currently two main types:

  • 1. New construction::The government directly builds social housing and rents it to lower-income families, disadvantaged objects, and those who have employment and schooling needs at lower than market rents.
    2. Chartered hosting:To revitalize and utilize existing private residences, handle rental housing matching, and provide rental housing to families with lower incomes, disadvantaged objects, and those who have employment and schooling needs in the form of charter or escrow at lower than market rents assist.
What is the Social Housing Charter Escrow plan? (1) Rental plan: After the operator signs a 3-year lease agreement with the landlord, the operator pays the landlord monthly rent during the lease period, and then the operator acts as the second landlord to sublease the house to the tenant and manage the lease. Residential.
(2) Escrow scheme: The business owner assists the landlord in renting the house to the tenant, the landlord and the tenant sign a lease agreement, and the business owner is responsible for managing the rented house.
What are the advantages of joining a charter hosting program? Tax relief, fee subsidy (notarization fee, repair fee, home security related insurance fee), no need to pay the service fee of chartered escrow.
Are there any restrictions on applying for this plan? Need to be the owner of the residence, the owner of the residence can be a natural person or a private legal person (such as a company)
General residences can participate, except for the following four situations:

  • 1. The residence has been rented to the tenant who is currently receiving the relevant government rent subsidy measures, but the tenant has a close agreement at the time of application to give up the rent subsidy. This is not limited.
    2. The lessee of the lease contract has an immediate family relationship with the lessor or the owner of the leased house (immediate relatives include immediate blood relatives and immediate affinity by marriage).
    3. The owner of Linkou A7 and Banqiao Fuzhou Heyi Residence.
    4. The owner of the residence or land is the non-private residence of the Republic of China, municipality directly under the Central Government, county (city), public legal person, etc.
How to apply for this plan? You can go to the real estate information platform of the Ministry of the Interior to inquire about the government-entrusted business owners to apply.
What documents do landlords need to prepare? The application form, photocopies of ID cards, and building documents will be reviewed and confirmed by the owner within seven days.


What is the legal application process for apartment remodeling? A legal application for a renovation permit and the consent of the neighbors downstairs is required.
The planned construction period and construction cost? Costume Design - basic 8 pings & budget of 80,000 pings, and refurbish and purchase furniture according to the actual site conditions; design fees must be paid first (including measurement, graphic design, complete quotation, low standard 8 pings * 1 ping $1500= from $12,000). If the construction is confirmed, the decoration cost can be fully deducted in the future.
Spacer decoration -The design fee (including measurement, graphic design, and complete quotation, starting from $28,000) must be paid first; if the construction is confirmed, the decoration fee can be fully deducted in the future.
What is the scope of service areas for suite renovations that can be undertaken? Inn Apartment is currently serving the Taipei Metro Area.
Why do you need the services of Inn Apartment? Inn Apartment has many years of real estate experience, and is more able to design products that meet market needs than ordinary designers. The front-end service can integrate regulations and market demands to properly plan the space to achieve maximum benefits; the back-end can find the most suitable tenant for your house for you and manage it, so that you don’t have to work hard for the house.







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上班時間:每日 10:30 A.M. ~ 18:30 P.M.

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