Payment Policy

Payment Policy


Electricity Bill

The electricity bill for full tenancy will be calculated based on different rates of each branch. Inn Apartment will read and record the individual electricity meter of the tenant’s studio when the tenant moves in and out. On the move-out day, Inn Apartment will deduct the amount of the electricity bill from the tenant’s security deposit and return the rest of it.


Ex. The electricity price of Gongguan Apartment 1 is NT$6/kWh.

The usage period is from 1/1 to 1/31. The total power consumption is 133kWh.

The electricity bill is NT$6*133= NT$798.

Deposit Return

After the final inspection, if there is no damage to or loss of the property and no excessive personal waste left, Inn Apartment will return the rest of the deposit to the tenant.

Cleaning Fee

If the tenant moves out and leaves too much personal waste, Inn Apartment will hire a cleaning company to tidy up the property and charge the tenant a cleaning fee.




◆ 收垃圾(月) NT$600


◆ 換床備品(次) NT$450


◆ 清潔(含床被單) NT$600


◆ 清潔(不含床被單) NT$450


◆ 枕頭(租借) NT$100


◆ 棉被(租借) NT$300


◆ 床品(單人) NT$900


◆ 逸台北專用垃圾袋 NT$50 / 包


◆ 床品(雙人) NT$1000


◆ 枕套 NT$80


◆ 被單(件) NT$780


◆ 床包 NT$480


◆ 保潔墊 NT$525


◆ 浴巾(條) NT$165,租借(條) NT$50


◆ 腳踏墊(條) NT$180

Payment Information

Payment Methods

Bank Transfer

Credit Card


1.In order to confirm the booking, the tenant is required to pay an advance in the amount of 50% of one month’s rent.


2.Methods of advance and rent payment: Cash, Domestic ATM Transfer(no processing fee with an E.SUN bank account), Credit Card(only through INSTO or PAYPAL)


3.In credit card payment(only through INSTO or PAYPAL), all transaction charges are borne by the tenant.


4.Please pay the final payment and security deposit upon move-in. On the move-out day, Inn Apartment will deduct the amount of the electricity bill from the tenant’s security deposit and return the rest of it.


5.After the advance payment, the tenant is required to comply with our Cancellation Policy


6.If a refund is needed, please refer to the website page of Cancellation Policy for details or contact our agents.






Working hours:10:30 A.M. ~ 18:30 P.M.


TEL: +886-2-775-15114 (Guests staying within three days can call this reservation line)



LINE ID:@innapartment  (即時客服聯繫窗口)


上班時間:每日 10:00 A.M. ~ 18:00 P.M. (午休時間12:30 – 13:45)



電話: 02-77515114 (三日內入住客人可撥打此訂房專線)

逸台北短租套房 鄰近台北市中心各大捷運站,生活機能方便;月租套房設計精緻,提供便宜台北短期租屋價格,不論是出差需要在台北短租、來台北考試研習需要短租一個月、來台北打工度假需要暫時短期租屋等各種的中短期住宿需求,都能讓您用最理想的價格在台北享受到優質的短期住宿品質。



上班時間:每日 10:30 A.M. ~ 18:30 P.M.

電話: 02-77515114 (三日內入住客人可撥打此訂房專線)


WeChat ID : innapartment

FB : innapartment

LINE ID : @innapartment

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