Q. 房間有哪些設備?
Q. What amenities are available in the room?
Q. What amenities are available in the room?
A: 房內設備請依照房間介紹頁面為主
A: The room’s amenities are as listed on the room webpage.
Q. 想預約看房時段?
Q. Want to schedule a room viewing?
Q. Want to schedule a room viewing?
A:Our company offers online viewings and appointments through a reservation system.
Q. 押金是多少呢?
Q. How much is the security deposit?
Q. How much is the security deposit?
A: 押金部分依據館別有不同的訂價計算 詳細資訊可參考收費方式頁面
A: The security deposit varies depending on the branch. For detailed information, please refer to the pricing page.
Q. 租期的計算方式?
Q. How is the rental period calculated?
Q. How is the rental period calculated?
A: 為避免大小月之分造成日期上的落差,逸台北單月以30晚為計算做計價租期
A:To avoid discrepancies caused by months with different lengths, Innapartment calculates the rental period based on 30 nights per month.
Q. 外國人租屋條件?
Q. What are the rental requirements for foreigners?
Q. What are the rental requirements for foreigners?
A: 只需持有本人護照即可租屋,逸台北提供英文/日文專員接洽可直接來電洽詢。
A:You only need to provide your passport to rent a room. Innapartment offers English and Japanese-speaking staff for assistance. Feel free to contact us directly.
Q. 收費方式有哪些?
Q. What are the payment methods available?
Q. What are the payment methods available?
A: ATM轉帳/匯款/PayPal
A:ATM transfer, bank remittance, or PayPal.
Q. 有提供日租嗎?
Q. Is daily rental available?
Q. Is daily rental available?
A: 請直接洽詢官方LINE群組詢問客服人員
A:Please contact our official LINE group to inquire with our customer service team.
Q. 時間趕不上需要延後時間入住怎麼辦?
Q. What if I can’t make it on time and need to check in later?
Q. What if I can’t make it on time and need to check in later?
- 入住時間為16:00-18:00前,超過18:00不希望自行入住需要逸台北人員接待者,則會另外收取夜間接待費用NT$1000元/未稅(21:00前),若超過21:00者,費用為NT$2500元/未稅(21:00-23:00前),超過23:00,費用為NT$3500元,最晚接待時間為00:30,可自行入住者免。
- 自行入住(部分館別不適用)
- Check-in time is from 16:00 to 18:00. Guests who do not wish to self-check-in after 18:00 and require assistance from YI Taipei staff will incur an additional night reception fee as follows: NT$1,000 (before tax) for arrivals before 21:00, NT$2,500 (before tax) for arrivals between 21:00 and 23:00, and NT$3,500 (before tax) for arrivals after 23:00. The latest reception service is available until 00:30. Guests who opt for self-check-in are exempt from this fee.
- If you are able to self-check in, no additional fee will be charged. (*Note: Self-check-in may not be available at all branches.)
Q. 班機太早抵達,想提前入住可以嗎?
Q. My flight arrives too early, can I check in early?
Q. My flight arrives too early, can I check in early?
A:If you wish to check in earlier than 4:00 PM on the day of arrival, please book the room for the previous night to ensure you can check in directly as soon as you land.
Q. 逸台北提供的服務有哪些?
Q. What services does Innapartment offer?
Q. What services does Innapartment offer?
A: 代收包裹服務(不幫忙代墊款項)/收垃圾服務(部分服務需額外收費)
A:Package collection service
(we do not cover any payment for packages)
(*Note: Self-check-in may not be available at all branches.)
Trash collection service (some services may incur an additional fee)
Q. 有住房上的突發狀況需找房東怎麼辦?
Q. What should I do if there is an emergency related to the accommodation?
Q. What should I do if there is an emergency related to the accommodation?
A: 在營業時間有服務辦公室能夠直接諮詢,另外19:00過後若有緊急事件,逸台北配有24H的服務專線能夠撥打。
A: During business hours, you can send messege on offical acount or call with our service office. For emergencies after 19:00, Innapartment provides a 24-hour service hotline that you can call.
Q. 房間內使用的是電熱水器還是使用瓦斯?
Q. Does the room use an electric water heater or gas?
Q. Does the room use an electric water heater or gas?
A: 逸台北全部館別皆使用電熱水器,使用上較為安全,但須額外注意蓄熱水量,避免長時間排出熱水造成無法蓄熱。
A:All Innapartment properties use electric water heaters, which are safer to use. However, it’s important to be care the hot water storage to avoid running out of hot water if it is used for an extended period.
Q. 逸台北有辦公室嗎?
Q. Does Innapartment have an office?
Q. Does Innapartment have an office?
A: 逸台北的辦公室位在:106台北市大安區臥龍街1號11樓|電話: 02-77515114
A: Yes, Innapartment’s office is located at:
11th Floor, No. 1, Wolong Street, Da’an District, Taipei City, 106
Phone: 02-77515114
Q. 續住的規則
Q. What are the rules for extending the stay?
Q. What are the rules for extending the stay?
A: 房客有續住要求時,需要視當時房況而定,並非有優先續住權。
A: When a guest requests to extend their stay, it depends on the availability of the room at that time, and there is no priority for extension.
If you decide to extend, the full rental payment for the extension must be made, and a new lease agreement will need to be signed to extend the contract.
Q. 續租(天/月)的計算方式?
Q. How is the extension (daily/monthly) calculated?
Q. How is the extension (daily/monthly) calculated?
A: 續租每天租金以單月總金額除以30晚做計算(電費另計)
A:The daily rent for an extension is calculated by dividing the total monthly rent by 30 nights (electricity charges are calculated separately).
Q. 入住期間電費的計算方式?
Q. How is the electricity fee calculated during the stay?
Q. How is the electricity fee calculated during the stay?
A: 可參考收費方式頁面
A:You can refer to the pricing page for detailed information on electricity charges.
Q. 臨時有狀況,住不到30晚怎麼辦?
Q. What should I do if there’s a sudden change in my schedule and I can’t stay for 30 nights?
Q. What should I do if there’s a sudden change in my schedule and I can’t stay for 30 nights?
A: 可參考退訂政策頁面。
A:You can refer to the cancellation policy page for more information.
Q. 超過退房時間怎麼辦?
Q. What should I do if I exceed the check-out time?
Q. What should I do if I exceed the check-out time?
A: 退房時間為中午11點,超過1小時以$300/hr計算(部分房型計價方式不同) ,延遲退房最多到下午3點為止,超過以續租價格計算。
A: The check-out time is at 11:00 AM. If you exceed the time by 1 hour, a fee of NTD$300 per hour will be charged (pricing may vary depending on the room type). Late check-out is allowed until 3:00 PM at most, and any further delay will be charged at the extension rate.